No one comes to the Father except through the Son. If you had known me you would have known the Father as well.Again we see the unity of person and mind of the Father and the Son.
John 14:6
The Father is inaccessible except by coming through and with and by the Son. Why?
- Righteousness - the Son is the righteous one.
- Relationship - the Father isn't after people who keep his rules and thus enter his presence. He is looking for worshippers and faith. He wants people who will trust him.
Similar to the second half of this verse, is this statement Jesus makes elsewhere: 'if you've seen me you've seen the Father'
Again an outrageous statement to make for a cerpenter's son. If that's all he is. But he isn't just Joseph's boy.
The Father and the Son are on. Whatever the Son is like, the Father is too:
- Willing
- Sacrificial
- Servanthearted
- Bold
- Generous
- Working for Restoration
- Committed
This is what the Father is as well. In Chapter 14 Jesus mentions the Father 21 times in a range of different ways. Where religious people and Christians included talk about God, Jesus speaks about the Father.
This is my God, the servant king, the sacrifical Father, the generous dad, This is who I sit before, live before and talk to. Father 21 times in one discourse, 21 times in one conversation.
Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, Father.